Pizza Therapy's Best Pizza in the World!

Albert Grande, The Pizza Promoter's
Pizza News
Get some therapy, Pizza Therapy!        October 2006Get some therapy, Pizza Therapy!  

(Volume VII No. 10 ) (ISSN: 1533-3795)

"Pizza on Earth, Good Will to All!"

"Pizza News" is now being delivered to all 50 states (U.S.) including D.C., and the following countries: Canada (including Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec and Saskatchewan), Afghanistan,  Albania, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia,  Australia, Austria,  Azerbaijan, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Chile, China, Christmas Island,  Columbia, Croatia (local name: Hrvatska, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic,  Denmark, Dominican Republic, East Timor, Egypt, Eritrea, Fiji, France, Germany,  Guatemala, Guam,  Hungary, Hong Kong, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Kenya , Kuwait, Latvia, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Macedonia, Malaysia, Malta, Mauritius, Mexico, Myanmar, Namibia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Palau, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Romania, Russian Federation, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saudi Arabia, Seychelles, Singapore, Slovakia (Slovak Republic), Slovenia, South Africa, Sudan, Sweden, Syrian Arab Republic, Thailand, Trinidad, Tobago, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Vanuatu, Viet Nam, Virgin Islands (British), Yugoslavia,  Zimbabwe, U.S. Minor Outlying Islands,
and over 721 subscribers who could be anywhere in the Pizza Therapy Universe! is proud to be sponsored by Fleischmann's Yeast.
When we make pizza, we only use Fleischmann's Yeast.
Visit their great web site through the banner on our site, and tell
them sent you!




1. What's New: A Press Release, The Forum, and Ben and Jerry

2. Pizza Comments: What is the difference between Thick and Thin pizza crust?

3. Pizza Discoveries

4. The Road Not Taken


1. What's New: A Press Release, The Forum, and Ben and Jerry has maintained a list of the "Best Pizza in the World"
several years now. I am pleased to announce an expanded listing for certain pizzerias. The free listing will remain, no matter what.

Now, however, Pizza Shop owners have an option to have an expanded listing at a nominal charge. I will continue to insist on the only highest standards of inclusion for "Best Pizza in the World".
You can read the press release, click here:> Offers Expanded Pizzeria Listing

 To see an example of the expanded listing, go to: Best Pizza in the Western US (Look for: Pizzeria Bianco in Phoenix, Arizona, Caiote Pizza Cafe, in Studio City, California, Antonio's New York Pizza in Honolulu, Hawaii and Apizza Shoals, in Portland, Oregon.)

If you are Pizza Shop owner, who is interested in an expanded listing, please email me at: (Please put "Expanded Listing" in the Subject line.)


The and Forum continues to attract all manner of pizza fanatics. There are now over 240 members with over 490 articles, comments, and conversations.  My goal is to have over 1,000 members. That only leaves less than 760 members to sign up. (I have almost reached 25% of my goal).

In addition to being able to post a comment, there are also lots of great features. For example, you can send a private message to anyone in the forum. You can also see if there are any new posts from your last visit. Of course, you do not have to be a member to read the posts.

I want to personally invite you to check out the and Forum.
Thank you ,very much.



I recently wrote an article for Internet Distribution entitled "Marketing Lessons from Ben and Jerry." I am always amazed at the power of the Internet.
I distributed the article to a couple of article distribution sites and really did not think much about it.

With-in two days, the article was picked up by the owner of a website and sent out to over 50,000 readers. The article was also posted at a number of other websites and e-mailed by other ezine publishers, to their email list. Amazing.

I want to share this article with you. I think you may find some value in the message.

Ben and Jerry practiced a powerful marketing model. This article discusses these secrets with a first hand account of their methods. My article discusses one of my most important beliefs, The Law of Reciprocity.

Marketing Lessons from Ben and Jerry

Many years ago, I lived in Vermont when a new home-made ice cream store opened its doors.

The ice cream stand, located in Burlington, was in a gas station that had long ago been abandoned. This was not a fancy operation. This was very bare bones. It was functional without a lot of fluff.

Behind the counter were several ice cream machines that looked like they could barely work. The machines squeaked and moaned as they turned, creating home-made ice cream."

Read the rest of the article by clicking here.


Dee with his pizza and bread oven

In the last issue of Pizza News (September 2006),
I featured a photo of Dee's Pizza and Bread Oven.
I must sadly report, Dee, has passed away.
His wife wrote to tell me how much meant to Dee. I was very touched.
Our heartfelt, thoughts and prayers, go out to his family.


2. Pizza Comments: What is the difference between Thick and Thin pizza crust?

Alice asks the following:

Hi. Can you tell me what's the difference between a thin crust
and thick crust pizza base?

Thank you.

My Response:

Hi Alice. Thanks for writing. I am happy to share my opinion with whoever asks. Here is what I think.

The difference really to me is the issue of the thickness of the pizza crust.

The thin pizza is known as Neapolitan pizza. This was the type of pizza favored there. This is also known as New York pizza. This is the type of pizza made in New Haven, Connecticut.
This is the type of pizza, I am most familiar with and the kind of pizza I like. (Although I do like thick crust pizza as well.)

Thick crust pizza on the other hand uses a more dough. It is also known as Sicilian pizza (or on Long Island, New
York, Grandmother's pizza). This type of pizza is sometimes served in a rectangular pan. In Rhode Island when I grew up most of the Italian Bakeries would sell this type of pizza.

Some people think just using more dough in your pizza makes a thicker crust and I think this is true.
A thick crust takes a little longer to cook.

I hope this answers your question.

And I hope I did not unleash a firestorm of controversy with my comments. Please post your responses in the Forum. Let's discuss this further.

Go here: and Forum



3. Pizza discovery

Jean writes to share her pizza secrets:

I just had to write you about my latest awesome discoveries.

Let me backtrack if you will . . . several months ago I wrote to ask advice about par-baking and freezing pizza shells to assist in feeding my hungry kids on those crazy marching band-field hockey game- drum lesson nights. Your readers sent me some great suggestions – my favorite being to roll out my “world famous recipe” pizza dough into a shell, prick it with a fork and par-bake it at 400°F or 450° F for about 4 minutes, cool then freeze. Worked like a charm!

Last month, I was kneading my pizza dough and day dreaming about making perfectly round “personal pan” size pizza shells to par-bake and freeze. So, after I set my dough to rise, I “Googled”!

And what did I find, but a very nice company called NORTHERN PIZZA EQUIPMENT, INC. from Dexter, Michigan. (800)426-0323. So, I told them my crazy pizza shell scheme and they gladly offered to sell me some used personal-pan pizza pans (9” diameter) for $6.00 each. I bought 4, sight unseen and they came in the mail the next week.

I must be honest. The pans are most definitely USED! I scrubbed and scrubbed the first one to make it look shiny and new, but finally gave up, just washed them thoroughly and decided to try them “as is”. These pans are Awesome! I’m glad I stopped scrubbing when I did, or I might have ruined the seasoning on them! I sprinkled a little cornmeal on the bottom of each pan and then made the best little personal size pizzas ever!

My kids were RAVING about them, and loved the fact that they were just the right size!!!

Next, I tried the par-baking idea with them. Great results!! I have a whole bunch of frozen personal-pan size pizzas just waiting in my freezer for those busy nights. All you do is take one out of the freezer, put it either in the little pan or on a cookie sheet, load it with your favorite toppings and cheese and bake at 450°F for about 8 minutes or until the cheese looks just right. It’s great, wholesome and fun! I highly recommend these great used pans!!

My other discovery has to do with my pizza dough flour choices. I usually use ˝ King Arthur bread flour, ˝ King Arthur regular flour. When I ran out of bread flour one day, I decided to cast fate to the wind! I used 3 cups of regular flour and 1 cup of King Arthur White whole wheat flour. YUM! I get a great consistency in my dough, and it has the added benefit of the wholesome whole wheat flour without the toughness that regular whole wheat can impart. I am one happy pizza maker these days! My husband and our 3 kids are really happy pizza eaters!!!

Thanks for your GREAT website and all you do to promote the good name of PIZZA!


My response:

Thanks for your wisdom, Jean. Please share your pizza wisdom at the Forum.



4. The Road Not Taken

Chris asks:

Would you take a look at this Grill Top Pizza Stone - is it
worth getting the "extra" stainless steel bit on it or will a
pizza stone on its own do just as well? Appreciate your
opinions on all that is pizza!

Chris is referring to a product being sold by Williams-Sonoma.
Basically the product is a pizza stone in a metal frame.
You can take a look at the product right here: Grill-Top Pizza Stone

My Response:

Hey Chris thanks for writing. Funny that you should ask....

I think it will work well.
It has a good design and is heavy duty.

The guy that invented it asked if he could send me one...for free. He called it a "Pizza A-grill."
At the time I was not interested.
About six months later, I changed my mind.
I wrote to him to tell him I would like to take a look at his product.
I asked him to send me one. He informed me he had sold his
design: to Williams Sonoma. He said I could order one for about $100 bucks.

Ah the road not taken...

Here is what I think: this will work well for a gas grill.
I think it is a good concept..

But I think you can get the same results by putting a pizza
stone directly on the grill.

So, I do think it will work great but I think you can just get a
plain old pizza stone and get similar results.


There is quite a lively discussion about this very topic going on here. Click here to join or listen in.




Albert Grande, The Pizza Promoter's:
"The Pizza Book"
(Make amazing, delicious,
 mouthwatering, pizza.)
Get "The Pizza Therapy Pizza Book"  Now!



"Pizza on Earth,
Good Will to All"

That's it for this issue of "Pizza News!" 

Albert Grande, The Pizza Promoter


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